It’s almost time to get your Red, White and Blue on, and the 4th of July in the Mad River Valley is worth the price of admission. The parade in Warren is not your typical parade – there may be some emergency vehicles and fast cars in there, but you won’t find any Marching Bands or Shriners driving itty-bitty cars (what’s that all about anyway?). You will find political statements coming out the wahzoo, you might find some African dancing, you will definitely see an intricate float display from one of our iconic communities, yes, there will be candy, and probably a giant soaking gun and maybe, just maybe there will be Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders. In the past, he’s been a staple of the Warren Parade, and there’s a bit of chatter going on around this year: will he be there or won’t he? My prediction is: Yes, he will be there. Oh and there will be what is my wife’s favorite part of the Parade: a fly by from our Vermont Air National Guard.

Once the parade has passed – make your way up to the Brooks Field at the Warren Elementary School for food, music and kid friendly festivities. Since the 4th is on a Saturday, don’t forget to visit the Waitsfield Farmer’s Market. If you’re here Friday night getting ready to wave your flag on the 4th, I highly recommend having dinner at Mad River Glen’s General Stark’s Pub (or any summer weekend evening for that matter) – that deck is just as awesome in the summer as it is in the winter
And as always, you can end the day with fireworks lighting up the sky at Sugarbush Resort.
If you have any energy left in you after all you did to celebrate the 4th, on Sunday the 5th head on over to The Common Man to celebrate Spindependence Day with guided bike rides for all levels at 1:30, followed by what is sure to be a rocking good barbeque at 4:30.
Oh, and tonight – don’t forget Round Up on the River tonight. Go support the Bridge Street businesses while hanging out with neighbors and Valley peeps. Mad Mountain Scramblers are playing at this, the first of a summer of Round Ups (happening every Wednesday until September 2nd). For more information on food etc, and for weather updates – check out their Facebook page.
I’ve just scratched the surface of things happening in the Mad River Valley for the holiday weekend. With all there is to do, I have no doubt you will have a great 4th celebration this year, but most of all: be smart, stay safe, and drive sober.
And for all you Canadians waving the Maple Leaf today – Happy Canada Day!
Live Mad River.